Health By Nature…Where Clean Meets Green!

Tips For Optimal Digestive Health

digestive.jpgWhen working towards optimal health, the digestive system is part of the body that often gets overlooked.  Not only is a healthy digestive system important for comfort (who enjoys gas and bloating, after all?), but it also affects immunity and one’s overall health.

A fiber-rich diet is essential.  Whole grains, fruits & vegetables can deliver a healthy dose to encourage regularity.  A diet high in fiber also reduces the risks to some cancers, type II diabetes, obesity and heart disease.  The FDA recommends daily intake of 25g of fiber, but most Americans don’t even consume half of that amount.  A good fiber supplement can be very beneficial, and there are many different forms, like tablets derived from whole food sources, unflavored powder mix-ins  or crunchy toppings.  Look for a supplement that delivers both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Digestive enzymes can also alleviate digestion issues like gas and bloating.  Many store-bought digestive aids use animal-based enzymes.  Others utilize plant-based enzymes that facilitate digestion of all food groups, including foods less easily processed like dairy, beans, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli).  Folks who steer clear of a particular food group because of digestive issues may find relief by using such a dietary supplement, and can enjoy a wider variety of foods as a result.

Probiotics have become the buzzword in health and wellness lately.  Foods such as cheeses and yogurt now have varieties with higher content of this beneficial bacteria.  What the brands don’t want you to figure out is that the amounts contained in a single serving are often negligible and insignificant.  Two of the most beneficial bacteria that live and work in the colon are bifidus and acidophilus. A probiotic capsule contains  live flora, but if it is encapsulated in an inferior structure, it cannot be guaranteed to be delivered live to the intestine (which is the only way it will be effective).

Prebiotics work well in tandem with probiotics; they essentially *feed* this friendly bacteria, encouraging them to grow and multiply, creating an abundant and balanced population of intestinal microflora.

Despite good dietary habits, adequate water intake and an exercise regimen, one may experience irregularity or constipation from time to time.  Although there are many  drugstore aids available, there are also safe and effective herbal  aids.  A gentle, natural laxative supplement containing senna leaf can alleviate an irregular bowel.  Herbs such as peppermint and ginger can relieve an upset stomach, and can also soothe a stomach suffering from motion sickness, mild nausea and acid indigestion.  Some herbal stomach aids can also be crushed and made into a calming tea.

By eating a diet rich in good fiber, drinking lots of clean, pure water, getting significant exercise and supplementing where needed, one can maintain optimal digestive health, contributing to overall wellness.