Health By Nature…Where Clean Meets Green!

HOME BUSINESS OFFERS REFUGE FROM RECESSION Local Entrepreneur Enjoys Flexibility and Financial Stability

Tinley Park, IL. – July 1, 2009 – The latest economic indicators for May bring some hopeful tidings, but also some significant concerns. The U.S. unemployment rate is as high as it has been in 25 years, and there is continued concern about sizable job losses to come. The recession has been a source of severe stress for many throughout the country.

According to the recent Multi-Sponsor Surveys’ 2009 Economic Impact Market Segmentation Study, 49% of employed adults expressed worry about potential job loss, while 32% admitted to “significant” financial troubles.

But amid numerous reports of havoc and despair created by the current economic climate, Lisa Hummitsch, a local small-business entrepreneur here in Tinley Park, reports a very different experience during this recession.

“If it weren’t for the additional income my health-and-wellness business generates, I think my family would probably be in a very different place,” says Hummitsch, who operates a Shaklee business out of her home.

“My business helps us not only continue to pay the bills on time, but it also generates additional income which we save to have on hand for unexpected situations, or use when we want to do something special, like take a trip, buy a new car, or remodel the kitchen—things that would otherwise be outside of our budget.”

Hummitsch credits her home business for helping to alleviate much of her family’s stress and says her business has eased financial concerns while providing flexibility—qualities that can insulate a family from the changing tides of the economy. Most people who run a business from home work only part time, so there’s freedom to plan business activities around the busy schedule of a young family.

“When I began my business,” says Hummitsch, “it was on a very part-time basis.  Since I started, I’ve increased the amount of time I spend working with it. Using the Internet and communicating my business online makes my work much more efficient and flexible at the same time, making it possible for me to work on my business pretty much whenever I have downtime from my other responsibilities.  Plus, it was easy and inexpensive to get started, and there’s no need to make space in our home for any inventory since the company ships directly to my customers.”

Home businesses have drawn considerable interest from people who may be having a difficult time finding employment and from those looking for an income opportunity that also resonates with their personal beliefs—characteristics that most jobs likely do not offer.

“Because I recommend products that help people to be healthier, that help our environment to be cleaner, and for homes to be safer, I feel good about what I do. And because I also offer the chance for other people to do what I’m doing—to achieve independence in a way they may not have thought possible—there’s an incredible feeling of satisfaction in knowing that I can help make a real difference for people looking for extra income right now.”

According to the 2009 Economic Impact Market Segmentation Study, 60% of adults are now interested in operating a home business in response to the economic downturn.

“To me, there’s a great sense of security knowing that my business is backed by a company that has a proven track record and more than 50 years of experience giving people the means to thrive, even during the most difficult economic times,” says Hummitsch. “Shaklee has grown during each of the prior recessions since it was founded in 1956.”

For more information about Shaklee, please visit www.

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About Shaklee Corporation

Founded more than 50 years ago, Shaklee has been a leading provider of premium-quality natural nutrition products, personal care products, and environmentally friendly home care products. In 2000, Shaklee became the first company in the world to be Climate Neutral™ certified to totally offset its CO2 emissions, resulting in a net-zero impact on the environment. Through Social Marketing™, Shaklee offers an economic opportunity to anyone regardless of background or experience, and has paid more than $4 billion in commissions to its independent distributors worldwide. With a robust product portfolio, including over 50 patents and patents pending, Shaklee has more than 750,000 Members and Distributors around the globe and operates in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China. For information about Shaklee, visit


Shaklee Corporation Research Suggests an Important Role of Vitamin D for Supporting Cardiovascular Health

PLEASANTON, Calif. – May 19, 2009 – Research supported by Shaklee Corporation, the number one natural nutrition company in the U.S., shows that a lower blood vitamin D level is associated with metabolic syndrome and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

The study results were presented at the National Lipid Association Annual Scientific Sessions in Miami, Florida and suggest an important role of vitamin D nutrition for maintaining cardiovascular health.

“I am so proud to be associated with a company whose heritage has always been about improving people’s health and well-being.  It’s very exciting that Shaklee has helped to bring this important research to the world,”  says Independent Shaklee Distributor, Lisa Hummitsch. “The findings may have significant public health implications related to new understanding about benefits related to vitamin D supplementation,” adds Hummitsch.

In this study, intake of vitamin D from dietary supplements was strongly linked with vitamin D levels in the blood.  The greater the intake of vitamin D from dietary supplements, the higher the amount of vitamin D found in the blood.  More importantly, as vitamin D intakes increased, HDL cholesterol (or “good cholesterol”) levels increased as well.  Future research is needed to determine if vitamin D from dietary supplements can lower risk levels for metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

“Our next study, which is already underway, is intended to confirm causality by showing that vitamin D supplementation improves cardiovascular risk factors,” says Dr. Jamie McManus M.D., Chairman of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education, Shaklee Corporation.

Kevin C. Maki, PhD, the study’s Principal Investigator and the Chief Science Officer of Provident Clinical Research, Glen Ellyn, IL, says, “Results from population studies suggest that a low serum vitamin D concentration is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality, but this is the first study to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D status and cardiovascular risk factors in a group that includes a large number of vitamin D supplement users.”  He continues, “Additional research is warranted to assess whether increasing vitamin D intake will improve the metabolic cardiovascular risk factor profile.”

For more information, contact Lisa Hummitsch of Health By Nature in Tinley Park at

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About Shaklee Corporation

Founded more than 50 years ago, Shaklee has been a leading provider of premium-quality natural nutrition products, personal care products, and environmentally friendly home care products. In 2000, Shaklee became the first company in the world to be Climate Neutral™ certified to totally offset its CO2 emissions, resulting in a net-zero impact on the environment. With a robust product portfolio, including over 50 patents and patents pending worldwide, Shaklee has more than 750,000 Members and Distributors worldwide and operates in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China. For information about Shaklee, visit

Many Benefits of Vitamin D

It’s common knowledge that vitamin D is good for your bones.  But did you know all the other health benefits this vitamin has to offer?

As we age, we lose muscle strength which can lead to risk of falls which result in bone fractures; studies show that supplementing with vitamin D helps maintain both muscle strength and balance, lessening these risks.  Vitamin D also aids in the absorption of calcium. Our Osteo supplement provides 100% of the daily value for both calcium and vitamin D, as well as 100% of the daily value of magnesium, to help incorporate calcium into bones and strengthen them.

Vitamin D can also help alleviate chronic pain; muscle pain and weakness can often be attributed to a vitamin D deficiency.

Studies also suggest that vitamin D may protect against cancer by helping regulate cellular growth.  It is believed to strenghthen the immune system and reduce inflammation, offering protection from type-1 diabetes, MS and rheumatoid arthritis.  In one particular study, researchers discovered a 40% lower risk of MS in women who supplemented with at least 400 IU of vitamin D daily.

Low vitamin D levels have also been associated with cardiovascular health, increasing the risk of congestive heart failure.

While the body naturally produces vitamin D through natural light exposure, most people still need a supplement to reach recommended levels. We are the #1 natural nutrition company in the U.S., so you can be confident that our products are safe and pure–never synthetic or artificial.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10–or CoQ-10,  is a compound that is naturally produced in the body. Its potent antioxidant properties aid in cell regeneration and protects them against damage that could lead to heart disease, premature aging, and even cancer.

CoQ-10 is rich in foods like sardines, mackerel, spinach, peanuts & sesame.  It helps counteract external factors such as harful UV light and pollution, which can destroy coenzymes and other antioxidants.  Your antioxidant levels drop significantly after age 30, and CoQ-10 is the first to decline, which in turn slows down your cells’ ability to repair themselves.

CoQ-10 also affects your skin.  It helps repair free radical damage, prevent damage from the sun, and limit the destruction of collagen, helping keep skin’s firmness.

Most CoQ-10 supplements are poorly absorbed by the body and therefore offer little, if any, benefits.  Our CoQ-10 supplement uses patented technology to provide enhanced absorption using only natural ingredients–nothing synthetic or artificial.  It also contains resveratrol, believed to be the most beneficial antioxidant. For more info on this and other quality natural supplements, visit the Health By Nature website.

The Glaring Facts about Eyesight

The leading cause of blindness is age-related macular degeneration.  The glare from computer screens, sunlight, and intense headlight beams all take their toll on even the healthiest eyes, and can contribute to macular degeneration.  Carotenoids, found in brightly-colored fruits and veggies, can help combat vision problems.

In a recent study investigating the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, scientists found that supplementing with these carotenoids over a 6-month span significantly increases macular pigment optical density in healthy adults with normal eyesight.

The Women’s Health Study finds that when you add in vitamin E to these carotenoids, it decreases the chance of developing cataracts.  In addition to eating plenty of fruits & veggies (including a variety of leafy greens), our Carotenoid supplement provides maximum potency of 6 of the most beneficial carotenoids, and like all our supplements, do not contain synthetic material.  You’d have to eat 285 servings of pink grapefruit to get the same lutein & zeaxanthin content in one serving of our supplement!

Additionally recommended supplements are the Vitamin E complex or Vitamin E tablet, both with 400 IU of E.

Back from Hiatus, and Anti-Aging Breakthrough!
August 14, 2008, 8:28 am
Filed under: green, natural, nutrition, Shaklee, wellness

After a seemingly long summer hiatus from blogging, Health By Nature is back to bring you the latest info pertaining to the world of wellness and natural solutions. While we were away from blogging, this did NOT mean we weren’t hard at work helping others lead healthier lives! We’ve been hosting in-person wellness forums and seminars, training new distributors, and spreading the word about green living and healthy lifestyles through fairs and fests.

But the biggest and most exciting news we have to share is the introduction to a revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against cellular aging. After years of research and clinical studies, this patent-pending anti-aging tonic has been made available to impact the 4 key mechanisms of cellular aging. Just one serving delivers the amount of resveratrol in 100 glasses of wine! No other product on the market has such benefits.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the possible health benefits of resveratrol. From
them, researchers have demonstrated that:

• Adding resveratrol to the diet of yeast, fruit flies, worms, and a species of fish increased
their life spans up to 70%, 29%, 24%, & 50% respectively.

• Resveratrol made fat related deaths drop 31% in obese mice. The resveratrol fed obese mice also performed much better in movement and agility tests than obese mice not fed resveratrol.

• Mice fed resveratrol had 100% more endurance than mice not fed resveratrol (i.e. they were able to run twice as far on a treadmill).

• Resveratrol inhibits blood platelet aggregation that can lead to dangerous clots that can cause heart attacks and strokes.

• Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals (free radicals are unstable atoms caused in part by pollution, sunlight, and our bodies natural burning of fat that can lead to cancer, aging, and brain degeneration)

• Resveratrol has been proven to fight cancer in vitro at all three stages; (1) initiation, (2) promotion, & progression.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To learn more about our latest anti-aging treatment, view a short video here.

Gen X Moms

Women want the chance to live a healthier life, to give that gift to others, with an income opportunity that offers freedom, more time to spend with family, extra income and the possibility to qualify for luxurious trips to fabulous destinations, all while making a positive difference in the world! Shaklee offers women (and men) the chance to take charge of their lives!

Did you know that for Generation X Moms:

* “Balance” is the Holy Grail: Generation X Moms will sacrifice a career and money for more time with their children
* 33% of Generation X was from a broken home
* No more “Soccer Mom”: Generation X Moms are rejecting the idea of an overworked mom
* More than 50% of Generation X women have a 2-4 year college degree and 10% have a graduate degree
* 25% of Generation X Moms spend 12+ hours a day childrearing
* Fathers are more involved: 48% of fathers spend 3-6 hours a week childrearing
* Generation X debt levels are 78% higher than Boomers

The ideal situation for a Generation X Mom is to have a flexible career.  More and more moms are learning to work from home and telecommute.  Although their children are the main focus, they do not want to be “June Cleaver.” They still want to keep the “non-mom” sides of their lives intact and alive. As a result, they seek support from their peers in the form of groups, either online or face to face.

Shaklee is the perfect solution for this younger demographic of moms!

To learn more about starting your own flexible career and start earning the income you choose, visit my website:

Alfalfa: The Father of All Foods

Nicknamed the “father of all foods”, alfalfa has been used as herbal medicine for over 1,500 years.  A highly nutritive plant, its approximately 20 foot deep root system has the capacity to absorb minerals from deep within the soil.

In food form, alfalfa sprouts can be added to salads or sandwiches.  Alfalfa also comes in supplement form, and people who supplement with alfalfa do so for a wide variety of health benefits.  Alfalfa’s high manganese content has been shown to slighly lower blood sugar levels. To manage cholesterol levels, alfalfa can be beneficial because its fibers stick to cholesterol, preventing it from remaining in blood or collecting in blood vessels.  It has been known to strengthen one’s immunity.  Those suffering from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions have found their symptoms improve or even clear up entirely through a regimen involving alfalfa, a natural anti-histimine.  It can be a mild diuretic; alfalfa may relieve swelling and water retention, and aid in eliminating urinary tract infections.  Because it mimics estrogen, some find it useful for menopausal symptoms.

Alfalfa has an impressive resume of nutritional content. It contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals and vitamins.  Its leaves and stems are a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals as well.

Alfalfa also detoxifies.  It balances and cleanses the blood, alkalizes and detoxifies the body. It can also relieve gout, a painful foot ailment from excess toxins.

Just about anyone can benefit from the use of an alfalfa supplement.  Visit the Health By Nature store for ordering information.

Who Should Supplement?

The short answer: everyone.

Years ago, the AMA’s position on multivitamin supplements was that a healthy diet would be enough to gain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.  In 2002, that recommendation was reversed.  Finally recognizing the health benefits from a good, quality supplement, the AMA now states that everyone, regardless of age or health status, should take a daily multivitamin.  It’s been determined that even with the most ideal diet, we are not necessarily going to receive ALL the needed nutrients from our food.  Our food itself has been experiencing a decline in nutritional value as well, due to farming techniques and environmental causes.

Be aware that not all supplements are created equal.  Supplements are not regulated with stringent standards the way prescription drugs are.  Many cheaper, drugstore supplements are not going to be effective due to potency, formulation, coating, and other factors.  Our supplements undergo rigorous testing for purity, potency, and efficacy.  Many hold multiple patents, and patented coatings that guarantee nutrients get delivered where they are supposed to, when they are supposed to.  If a coating is dissolved too soon via stomach acid, the supplement may be rendered ineffective, which is the problem with many low quality supplements on the market.

Doctors and nurses are supplementing themselves, understanding that supplements play an important role in maintaining and improving health.  In a recent study, 72% of physicians and 89% of nurses reported taking supplements.  So why do only 68% of the rest of us do so?

Supplements from Shaklee,  #1 natural nutrition company in the U.S. are 100% guaranteed, so there is no risk to try them.  A Landmark Study conducted last year concluded that people who used multiple Shaklee supplements over a long period of time had markedly better health overall than both people who either used:

• no supplements or

• another brand of multivitamin/multimineral supplement

as measured by higher blood levels of key nutrients and more optimal levels of key health biomarkers.

To see the study in its entirety, go to

To order supplements, visit


Tips & Tricks to Burn More Fat

Here are some excellent tips to ramp up that metabolism, increase lean musce and avoid hidden calories that end up as fat stores.

• Don’t skimp on the protein!

Women especially: every decade, we lose about 5 lbs. of muscle!  Protein helps build lean muscle, so be sure you’re getting enough.  Also my weight management plan is packed with protein to help you build and retain lean muscle and also help you feel satiated.

• Strength train

Strength training increases your resting metabolic rate.  Incorporate light weights and resistance bands to your exercise routine 3 times a week, and you’ll reduce your body fat percentage in about 10 weeks.

• Don’t munch mindlessly!

Moms are often guilty of this one: eat the last few bites of a child’s plate, nibble here and there while preparing meals…every one of those bites will average 25 extra calories.  4 extra bits a day will translate into an extra pound in one month!

• Too few calories is counterproductive

Weight loss is 70% diet, so of course decreased calorie consumption plays a large role; however, consume too few calories, and your body will go into “starvation mode”, choosing to hang on to those fat stores as its emergency fuel source, and thus burning muscle you don’t want to lose.  You can take the free analysis on my weight management site to find out what level of calories you need based on your BMI (body mass index).  To maintain your weight after reaching your goal, add 300 calories/day.

• Plan ahead

It’s easy to say you’re going to watch what you eat today or work out, but often the day escapes you, and before you know it, the day is over and you haven’t stuck to your word.  Make meal plans–I make mine for the entire week before I go shopping.  If there’s a particularly busy day that I’m not going to be home much, I plan a make-ahead or crockpot meal, rather than succumbing to takeout later on.  Have a detailed meal plan for the day, stick to it, and check off what you’ve consumed throughout the day to avoid overeating or going beyond your plan.  30 day meal plans, with recipes, can be found at

Carve out time in your day to work out.  Going to a gym is great, but you can still get a great workout at home.  Do crunches and squats during TV time, or run the stairs up and down.  Take an hour to walk briskly around the neighborhood.  Whatever it takes, just do it.

• Make sure you work hard enough

Your workout needs intensity to burn calories and fat.  Get your heart rate up (but within normal range!)

• Mix it up

Don’t do the same workout every time.  Variety works better than routine.  Power walk, pilates (a DVD or class), bicycle, use an elliptical machine or treadmill, take a dance or aerobics class….really try to incorporate different workouts in your week.

• Understand false hunger

Before snacking, ask yourself if you’re truly hungry, or are you just bored or stressed?  Thirst can also cause false hunger signs.  Drink a glass of water, then wait 15 minutes to see if the feeling has passed.  If you still feel hungry, have a healthy, high protein snack.  Use your meal plan as a guide for snacks.

• Don’t fall for quick fixes or scams

There is no magic pill that is going to make you lose weight.  Even using this weight management plan, it requires discipline, exercise, and healthy eating. Slow and steady weight loss is much healthier than a sudden drop in pounds–and you’re more likely to keep it off, as well.